Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Say What You Mean; Mean What You Say

"Use your words."

This is a phrase that becomes quite popular through toddlerhood as we teach our children to speak and not to whine. To ask for what they want. I like to tell my children, "I don't read minds, and I don't speak whines." (I have lots of little phrases like that that my children HATE!)

But 8 year old Quinn has mastered the art of using her words, and is quickly becoming a master negotiator.

Q:  Mom, can I have 5 cookies.

Me:  No, Quinn.  You may have 2.

Q:  4?

Me:  3.

Q:  Yes!   That's how many I wanted to start with!

I don't know where she learned this technique, but I do know that if she survives childhood, it will be an excellent asset to her as an adult in whatever field she should go into. 


It's school fundraiser season!   Check out http://www.mylittlerembrandt.com/ for some great school fundraiser ideas that parents LOVE to buy!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

This, I Won't Miss

As a mom to 6 kids, my friends often tell me how lost I will be when my children are grown. 

So, to counter that, and to prepare myself, I've decided I need to start thinking of things I WON'T miss.

This morning, after the kids all left for school, I walked into their bathroom to get some laundry, and spotted this:

Let me assure you.....THIS I won't miss.


It's Spring Fundraiser time!   Check out my fun and unique school fundraiser ideas that parents actually LIKE to buy!